Manufacturer – Alpha Pharma
Drug form – 30 tablets of 1 mg
Active ingredient – Anastrozole
Anastrozole is a popular drug which is an inhibitor of aromatase (reduces levels of estradiol). It is actively used in almost any steroid cycle to allow you to achieve high-quality muscle mass and neutralize most of the adverse reactions when using steroids.
Effects of the drug
Prolonged use of steroids inevitably leads to consequences such as gynecomastia and fluid retention in the body. However, with the use of Anastrozole during post-cycle therapy, you can avoid a negative reaction from the body and restore the full functioning of the hormonal-reproductive system. Especially if you do it before meals (in the morning) and in full accordance with the recommended instructions.
With the help of Anastrozole, you can significantly increase the effectiveness of steroids, reduce the level of aromatization and normalize the level of blood pressure. And all this in the shortest possible time. Other positive properties of the drug include rapid accumulation in the blood and a pronounced inhibitory effect.
Anastrozole dosages cover a very wide range, and how often is also largely dependent on the doses of aromatizing anabolic steroids used, the individual’s sensitivity to aromatase inhibitors, and the rate of aromatization of the anabolic steroids used. Although, the general dosage of Anastrozole is 0.5 – 1mg daily.
Side effects
Anastrozole may cause side effects if it is not administered correctly and the dosage or length of the course is exceeded over the recommendations. The possible negative effects include:
- Weakness;
- Headache;
- Hot flashes;
- Sweating;
- Stomach pain;
- Nausea;
- Vomiting;
- Loss of appetite.
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